Thursday, February 7, 2008

Where are we at?

Here's the latest batting order. Today is Thursday, February 21:

1) Ryan Cassavaugh
2) Marjorie Smith
3) Keith Suta
4) Sid Gustafson
5) Holly Zadra
6) Joseph Menicucci, Jr.
7) Liz Allen
8) Craig Kenworthy
9) Bob Hendricks
10) Alison Grey
11) Brian Kassar (Fool of the Moment)
12) Michele Corriel
13) Mike Finkel
14) Soren Kisiel
15) Sally King
16) Kate Howe
17) Mike England
18) Jonathan Gans
19) Shayna Gibson
20) Rebecca Kinman
21) Stephanie Saline
22) Ray Sikorski

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Foolish Update

Hello, Fools,

Can you hear it? Can you smell it? Can you taste it? Yes, it's a story metastasizing, right here in our town. After experiencing pixels propelled by Ryan Cassavaugh and Marjorie Smith, Foolish Words 2008 is now is the highly caffeinated hands of KGLT Coffee Show co-host Keith Suta.

Those film strips in high school were right: peer pressure is a dangerous, formidable force. Thanks to it, three newcomers have been sucked in to the Foolish Words vortex: writer/actress Shayna Gibson, playwright Stephanie Saline, and Outside Bozeman editor Mike England. That means a record-shattering 21 participants for this year's Foolish Words, which should make for a jolly good evening at the Leaf and Bean on April 1. The moderately augmented batting order is below.

In not so great news, Foolish Words will not be published as an ongoing serial in the Tributary this year. Being a monthly, readers apparently have a hard time remembering what wild plot twists and characters came the month before. Which may be a valid point; thanks to Tributary editor Corinne Garcia for having it in there at all. Personally, I always considered publication in the Tributary to be the icing on the cake - and cake is still delicious without the icing!

In much better news, Leaf & Bean proprietor Kate Wiggins has confirmed our spot in the schedule for Tuesday, April 1st, at 7:30 p.m. Please plan to arrive at around 7:10; several writers won't be able to make the reading, so we'll have to arrange who will read others' parts.

Be it known that due to our mightiness and noble April Fool's Day quest, Wiggins has agreed to put the Bean's normal Tuesday night stage-dwellers, the Bluegrass Jam, on a hillbilly hiatus for the evening. The stage is ours - thank you, Kate and banjo-wielders!

In other news, I'm writing this to you from room 225A of the Emerson Cultural Center. Due to something I refer to as the "Broom Closet Residency," of which I am the first recipient, I'll be working here for the next several months. As such, it is also now the official headquarters of Foolish Words. So pop by and say hi!

Here's the new batting order:

1) Ryan Cassavaugh
2) Marjorie Smith
3) Keith Suta (Fool of the Moment!)
4) Sid Gustafson
5) Joseph Menicucci, Jr.
6) Liz Allen
7) Criag Kenworthy
8) Bob Hendricks
9) Alison Grey
10) Brian Kassar
11) Michele Corriel
12) Soren Kisiel
13) Sally King
14) Kate Howe
15) Mike England
16) Jonathan Gans
17) Shayna Gibson
18) Rebecca Kinman
19) Katie Goodman
20) Stephanie Saline
21) Ray Sikorski

Okay, now, back to work.


UPDATE ON THE UPDATE: Mike Finkel and Holly Zadra have joined our ranks!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Let the Foolishness Begin!

Hello, Fools,

I've got a tentative batting order for Foolish Words 2008, based on your preferences and a semi-random hurling of names a dart board. You will each be allowed three days to complete your 400-word installment. I didn't include dates because if you hand yours in early I'll pass it immediately on to the next person; that will allow a little extra time for johnny-come-latelies to join in.

Speaking of johnny-come-latelies... 18 of you have proudly signed up to do your Foolish duty. I've included a few extra names on the mailing list as a sort of peer pressure. Hey, all the cool kids are doing it!

Okay, here's the list:

1) Ryan Cassavaugh
2) Marjorie Smith
3) Keith Suta
4) Sid Gustafson
5) Joseph Menicucci, Jr.
6) Liz Allen
7) Craig Kenworthy
8) Bob Hendricks
9) Alison Grey
10) Brian Kassar
11) Michele Corriel
12) Soren Kisiel
13) Sally King
14) Kate Howe
15) Jonathan Gans
16) Rebecca Kinman
17) Katie Goodman
18) Ray Sikorski

Playwright Ryan Cassavaugh has already started us off - thanks, Ryan! - and currently the tome-to-be is in the able hands of Chronicle columnist Marjorie Smith, who is the only writer to participate in every Foolish Words since its inception five years ago.

Oh! Please include a 25-words-or-less bio with you submission. I'm hoping to have a nice program this year.

UPDATE: Peer pressure pays off! Freelance writer/Broad Comedienne Shayna Gibson has signed on. I'll put her somewhere in the middle.